Changelog for Bee Low Stock Alert & Forecast
1.0.0 - 01-04-2020
Merchbees Low Stock Alert was launched! π
1.0.1 - 02-04-2020
Launched a new documentation portal.
1.0.2 - 05-04-2020
The default timezone in scheduled alarms changed from UTC to Shopify Shop's timezone.
Added a new live chat portal.
Bugfix on Official Shopify Nodejs API related to Api throttle status.
1.0.3 - 11-04-2020
Added Test alert feature. You can test your alert settings instantly.
Users don't get any duplicate email alert for the same item until the stock level is above the threshold again.
The threshold value can be changed on the low stock item page.
1.0.4 - 19-04-2020
Added duplicate alert feature. Existing alerts can be cloned to create new ones.
1.0.5 - 04-05-2020
Added PDF, CSV, Excel export options as well as printing and copying features to the low stock items page.
Select all - Deselect All buttons are added for the advanced filtering section on alert creation pages.
1.0.6 - 06-05-2020
Added Low stock item viewer page for each alert so that users can check their items' status based on the alert rules.
Added Generic low stock item page to see all variants. Users can set their global threshold value for this screen.
1.0.7 - 07-05-2020
Scheduled alerts are able to keep their history so that the system doesn't send the same items in the following days. This feature can be enabled while creating or editing the alert.
1.0.8 - 14-05-2020
Added custom email feature.
Minor bug fixes
1.0.9 - 19-05-2020
SMTP settings are added. Alerts will have the ability to send from the customer's own email address via SMTP.
1.0.10 - 31-05-2020
Minor bug fixes
1.0.11 - 04-06-2020
SKU based filtering added to advanced filters section.
Vendor information added to the CSV attachments
1.1.0 - 07-06-2020
Slack Integration
1.1.1 - 25-07-2020
Alert creation pages revised.
The item list is visible on the alert creation screen now for a better UX.
1.1.2 - 03-08-2020
The monthly scheduled alert option is added.
1.1.3 - 07-09-2020
Setting different thresholds for different variants in an alert feature is added.
1.1.4 - 21-09-2020
Pure HTML option is added on the Custom Email.
1.1.5 - 03-12-2020
Sorting options added for low stock items list
1.1.6 - 10-01-2021
Creating alerts by bulk export/import with CSV feature is added.
1.1.7 - 08-08-2021
The maximum stock level (order up to level) field is added. Order quantity is calculated automatically by using this field.
1.1.8 - 20-09-2021
Column Visibility feature is added to choose the columns that you want to see.
2.0.0- 24-10-2022
Big Feature Added π
Forecasting feature added. While creating an alert, customers enter days of stock parameters, and minimum and maximum stock levels are calculated dynamically based on daily forecasting.
2.0.1- 8-11-2022
Creating alerts by bulk export/import with Excel feature is added.
2.0.2- 12-01-2023
Forecast & Stock Analysis report is launched.
2.0.3- 16-01-2023
The forecating algorithm is updated. Now, it uses the product's in-stock / out-of-stock information.
2.0.4- 19-02-2023
New metrics are added to reports; 14 Days Sales, 60 Days Sales, Sales%, Class, Barcode, Product Type, Cost, Price, Inventory Cost, Inventory Price, Status
2.0.5- 01-03-2023
To see all columns on the Reports without clicking plus icon, scrolling feature is added.
2.0.6- 03-03-2023
The row limit of exporting for sales and forecast reports is removed. Now, you can export the entire report to Excel.
2.0.7- 09-03-2023
Incoming inventory quantity is also checked while doing low stock alert calculation.
2.0.8- 11-03-2023
Minimum Stock Threshold, Maximum Stock Level and Replenishment Order columns are added to Low Stock Items page for the related alerts.
2.0.9- 15-07-2023
ABC Sales Performance and Stock Value reports are launched.
Last updated